Cleaner issue. Advice needed.

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Nov 2022 15 16:57

Cleaner issue. Advice needed.

So we're short on cleaners so we got one in on a temporary basis until we employed a new one. Thats not going well because of the lack of people applying for the job so she's been here longer than planned.

She was shown everything to do, but she's bad. She's also really difficult to talk to as she doesn't really talk. Like at all.

She's also the headteachers daughter.

I've started getting complaints so I'm going to talk to her tomorrow, but I really don't know how to approach this [Scared.png]
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Nov 2022 15 17:16

Re: Cleaner issue. Advice needed.

Don't know how many cleaners you have, but maybe switch areas or buddy up with a more experienced who might gee her along.
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Nov 2022 15 17:19

Re: Cleaner issue. Advice needed.

What I used to do in this type of situation was, speak to them nicely and note down everything you say. Type what you say in a letter and get them to sign it to acknoledge that you have spoken to them and photocopy 3 times and give one copy to them and a copy for whoever sorts the contracts e.g bursar or Finance Manager for their records and email the HT know that you had to have a polite chat regarding the cleaning etc. If the HT takes the offensive and takes sides you have written confirmation of what you said etc and their signature saying they agreed that was said etc and ways in which they have to rectify their work behaviour etc. Also, if the HT goes on the offensive through email, you have evidence to take to Govenors for a complaint.

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Nov 2022 15 17:35

Re: Cleaner issue. Advice needed.

Given it's the HT's daughter I wouldn't start copying people in etc as being at loggerheads with the HT will end badly. I would do as Twiglets suggested and buddy her up with someone. It may bring her out of her shell and reinforce what she should be doing. Further down the road you can say that you tried this and that. Hopefully, your support and patience with the HT's daughter will be remembered. Slating her and copying others in definitely will be!
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Nov 2022 15 18:23

Re: Cleaner issue. Advice needed.

Dexter wrote: 15th Nov 2022 at 5:35pm Given it's the HT's daughter I wouldn't start copying people in etc as being at loggerheads with the HT will end badly. I would do as Twiglets suggested and buddy her up with someone. It may bring her out of her shell and reinforce what she should be doing. Further down the road you can say that you tried this and that. Hopefully, your support and patience with the HT's daughter will be remembered. Slating her and copying others in definitely will be!

Exactly this, the fact that it is the HT's daughter means that this needs to be done carefully and sensitively, especially as she is only temporary and your handling might be remembered long after everyone has forgotten her lacklustre cleaning. If she is that uncommunicative then it is going to be hard for her to learn without more support such as actually working closely with someone to see how they do things.

Also, it might be worth sounding out amongst staff to see if any might want some extra hours in the evening etc. if you can get someone to apply for the job you can rely on, then your problem might be solved.
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Nov 2022 15 20:33

Re: Cleaner issue. Advice needed.

Handyman wrote: 15th Nov 2022 at 6:23pm Exactly this, the fact that it is the HT's daughter means that this needs to be done carefully and sensitively, especially as she is only temporary and your handling might be remembered long after everyone has forgotten her lacklustre cleaning. If she is that uncommunicative then it is going to be hard for her to learn without more support such as actually working closely with someone to see how they do things.

Also, it might be worth sounding out amongst staff to see if any might want some extra hours in the evening etc. if you can get someone to apply for the job you can rely on, then your problem might be solved.
Great advice.

I'd also maybe speak to the head, and just say that you are thinking of doing a bit of "doubling up" so you can work closely with all cleaners (depends on your position/contract, but it seems that you're the overall line manager here) to ensure that everybody is working to the same standards. Do it over a few weeks, but make sure that you spend equal time with ALL cleaners, so as not to single any single person out. You never know, you may just realise that she hasn't fully grasped what needs to be done, or what the benefits of a clean and tidy room is.

The head may already realise that their daughter isn't actually very good, so may actually appreciate the extra support.

It is a very difficult situation, so you need to be careful with how you deal with things. If the head is approachable, and you have a good relationship with them, it would help things.

Also the benefits of doubling up for a while, could mean that each cleaner has more time to spend with each other, and get to know other areas of the school.
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Nov 2022 16 13:22

Re: Cleaner issue. Advice needed.

I agree totally with Dexter, Handyman, Twiglets and Taz. Upset the HT and you might find yourself out before the temporary cleaner lol [Big grin.png]

I think it is a case of knowing which side your bread is buttered! [Like.png]

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