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Anyone played any jokes on CO’s or other members of staff?

Posted: 28th Apr 2022 at 10:45am
by Keyolder
Obviously only on the friendly ones that you know will take it all in good fun [Scared.png]

I’ll start you off with a prank played on a CO that regularly overstayed her welcome particularly on a Friday night when there were no lettings.
This was way back in the dark ages when I worked at a large comprehensive school as an assistant caretaker around the late seventies.

The Teacher in question was always friendly and played jokes with us caretakers, she often apologised for her lateness blaming workload and we chastised her in jest only.

One Friday evening we decided to get the life size skeleton from the science lab and place it in the lady’s toilet, always her last port of call before leaving the building. We draped a black cape borrowed from the drama department over the skeleton and placed it next to the hand basins behind the cubicles out of view from the entrance door.

She went in, there was silence for around 2 minutes then the most horrific scream I’ve ever heard in any horror film followed by the teacher running out of the toilet.

I ducked the swinging handbag and took the verbal reprimand but got a nice cuddle into the bargain. After she calmed down, I was ordered to remove the skeleton as she needed to visit the toilet again to check her makeup after the fits of tears and laughter.

I’ll get you back were her last words on exiting the school.

We used that skeleton again to good effect mostly on other caretakers by sending them up to check a room, one young new trainee assistant caretaker ran out of the building screaming but brought his mum up to the school the very next day, I took the blame…
Over to you [Big grin.png]

Re: Anyone played any jokes on CO’s or other members of staff?

Posted: 28th Apr 2022 at 11:52am
by thecaretaker
When I first started out in life, we played lots of practical jokes on all our work mates. It made the day pass quickly. We always carried out our work, but always found a moment to do it in a fun way. On a couple of occasions I lost control of myself with laugher.

Once when I was an alter boy. I had rather bad wind and was unable to control it. A fellow alter boy sitting beside me thought it was so funny. As he laughed, he then let rip. Which made me laugh even more and I return another bottom burp. In the end, we where both literally on our knees passing wind alternately thinking it was funnier each time. The tears were streaming down our faces. Needless to say, the vicar didn't think it was funny and sent us out the church.

I always seemed to 'loose it' at times I had to be most serious. A regular ballroom dance customer who had lost his wife two days earlier came up to the counter (me putting on my serious face and trying to be compassionate under the circumstances) and he said in the strongest northern voice "She died on tut Wednesday and here I am back today with a new dance partner! Can I 'ave a Strawberry Mivi?". In his quirky voice, he carried on and on making funny comments. I just lost it, I fell to the floor in fits of laughter. I had to crawl on the floor on hands and knees behind the counter into the kitchen swing door and had to ask another member of staff to serve him. "Please can somebody serve this guy, I can't take it anymore.

Alas, as the years passed life got more serious. I remember being in my office laughing with another caretaker as the head walked past my office. If looks could kill. The kind of look that said "never let me catch you laughing again in work time!" And that is how things became.

I can't remember the last time I found anything so funny that I'd fall to the floor in fits of uncontrollable laughter. Such a shame as I'd love to regain my sense of humour. Something that pandemics, financial responsibilities and life in general knocks out of you.

I often look at the new caretakers on the forum. Many will only post about work issues steering clear of the many other topics. It is almost as though they fear being caught out if they were to be seen not working. Such a shame, maybe one day they will learn that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. You've got to have some fun in life. And when you get to my age, you realise that life isn't all that long.

Re: Anyone played any jokes on CO’s or other members of staff?

Posted: 28th Apr 2022 at 12:29pm
by steveg
I think my favorite so far is when i completely filled the car of one of the support staff away on a residential trip with baloons. Took me quite a while to blow them all up, but was worth the effort.

About a year later she got me to feed her cat for the weekend while she was away, so I filled her fridge with ping-pong balls and covered every window completely in post-it notes.

Re: Anyone played any jokes on CO’s or other members of staff?

Posted: 28th Apr 2022 at 1:57pm
by TheTusk
I once put a coconut in our senco's handbag. It wasn't until she got home that she found out why it had been so heavy all day.

Re: Anyone played any jokes on CO’s or other members of staff?

Posted: 28th Apr 2022 at 2:00pm
by Stiggy
A couple of Christmases ago I was bored one evening so went to my favourite teachers classroom and piled all the tables and chairs in the middle of the room then sat the elf on top, it looked an --- (The seasonal word only permitted in December) --- tree with the elf as the tree topper, she came in next day and the look on her face was priceless, same teacher a couple months ago had set the hall up for a P.E lesson then went off to the toilet, while she was gone I cleared all the equipment away, she came out and was looking puzzled, I asked if she was OK and she replied "I'm sure I set out for my lesson before I went to the toilet" she actually thought she had imagined setting up for the lesson (she was 7months pregnant at this point and baby brain had set in) I helped her set it all back out.

Re: Anyone played any jokes on CO’s or other members of staff?

Posted: 28th Apr 2022 at 4:38pm
by Handyman
One time we glued the senior site controller's toolbox and the drawer where he kept his teabags shut. It kind of proved a point about his legendary laziness as well, he discovered the drawer within about 5 minutes in the morning, didn't notice his toolbox being glued shut for about a week.

Re: Anyone played any jokes on CO’s or other members of staff?

Posted: 28th Apr 2022 at 5:37pm
by Nigel
Shared an office with IT guy, now left, he put pepper all over my desk and keyboard one day so the next day I got under his Rav 4 and put a jubilee clip around the exhaust pipe and left it loose enough to rattle, next day he said I think I need a new exhaust [Success.png] I did let on and wasn`t mean enough to let him go to the garage [Big grin.png]

Re: Anyone played any jokes on CO’s or other members of staff?

Posted: 28th Apr 2022 at 5:58pm
by twiglets
One example was someone who was taking black bags home. They would always put them under their bench awaiting a time they had a big bag. We neatly undid the folded bags, cut the bottoms off all of them, then put them back. Next day they were gone so she had taken them home. Would love to have been a fly on the wall when she filled one up- the whole contents on the floor. She couldn't complain because she was taking them from work.

Re: Anyone played any jokes on CO’s or other members of staff?

Posted: 29th Apr 2022 at 8:46am
by Gazza
Had a massive box left over once so left it in the foyer as if it had just been delivered and hid in it and jumped out and scared ppl as they attempted to look inside.

Re: Anyone played any jokes on CO’s or other members of staff?

Posted: 29th Apr 2022 at 3:37pm
by AndyCornwall
Not so much a joke but it did amuse me, perhaps it will some of you.

If a teacher managed to shut windows, turn off lights and close doors, I would leave a chocolate minstrel on their desk to find in the morning. If they failed in any of those areas, well, no minstrel.

I always denied any knowledge of the minstrels but after 3 months, everyone was shutting their windows, doors and turning off the lights and getting mystery minstrels.