What pet hates do you have in life?

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Jun 2024 21 08:25

Re: What pet hates do you have in life?

Vera wrote: 21st Jun 2024 at 7:54am Ill answer CT.

What drives me nuts is middle lane hoggers doing 60 when the motorway is practically empty.. [Angry.png]

Off you go from lane 1 then 2 then 3 to go around them then back to lane 2 and lane 1 just to get back to where you started. It's just so pointless.
Best thing is when you can see in your mirror that they have no idea and just carry on in the middle lane completely oblivious.. [Crazy.png]
they probably cursed you too for having the audacity to overtake them!
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Jun 2024 21 08:26

Re: What pet hates do you have in life?

thecaretaker wrote: 21st Jun 2024 at 7:19am I fully agree with you. Looks like they are deliberately trying to wind me up.... [Angry.png]

I was hoping this would become the ultimate grumpy old man's thread.

No, just seemed a handy tip to pass on to help eliminate a pet hate for you. [Scared.png]
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Jun 2024 21 08:50

Re: What pet hates do you have in life?

Vera wrote: 21st Jun 2024 at 7:54am Ill answer CT.

What drives me nuts is middle lane hoggers doing 60 when the motorway is practically empty.. [Angry.png]

Off you go from lane 1 then 2 then 3 to go around them then back to lane 2 and lane 1 just to get back to where you started. It's just so pointless.
Best thing is when you can see in your mirror that they have no idea and just carry on in the middle lane completely oblivious.. [Crazy.png]
This is my number one pet hate too. Infuriating.
My second is illegible hand writing. What's the point of it? It wastes everyone's time.
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Jun 2024 21 09:58

Re: What pet hates do you have in life?

Internet: Constant ads whatever website you visit, and especially on YouTube. The Caretakers Website is the only exception to this [Like.png]

Driving: Brute force lane jumpers, tailgate huggers, people that throw rubbish out of a moving vehicle.

In life: Entitled rude people. Solicitors/lawyers who charge a fortune for doing very little and taking their time in doing it. The complicity of any legal process and multiple form filling. Speaking on the phone and being transferred to multiple departments and still not getting anywhere. Guarantees/warrantees that are not worth the paper they are written on, with small print that is purposely hidden. Government officials who are strangers to the truth. Inflation. That old man in the mirror with my toothbrush every morning and evening, although he scares me more than anything?
[Shock.png] [Scared.png] [Big grin.png]
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it... [Crazy.png]
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Jun 2024 21 11:47

Re: What pet hates do you have in life?

Oh god...
Yes, middle lane hoggers
Yes, Constant Adverts (those websites just don't get read)

Stopping me in the corridor to say "Oh! whilst I see you....." presuming that I'll remember and fix it for you..
As I say to the team, the correct reply is "I am on my way to a job and I'll forget, can you email / fill in the helpdesk ticket for me please" 50% of the jobs then disapear but not my fault then..
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Jun 2024 21 12:13

Re: What pet hates do you have in life?

The print on the back of products. Its getting smaller and even with glasses I need a magnifying glass!. Easy open packaging that is anything but easy. The general lack of driving skills in and around London(lucky dip driving license holders). The lack of proper debates without someone being offended or insisting that they are right.
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Jun 2024 21 12:43

Re: What pet hates do you have in life?

grimoopnorth wrote: 21st Jun 2024 at 12:13pm Easy open packaging that is anything but easy.
Oh yes, the new screw top lids to coke and other fizzy drinks. The ones that don't allow the screw cap to be separated from the bottle. I can understand why it has been done but it makes them very difficult to screw back on and I've had some go flat on me if it isn't done up tight.

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Jun 2024 21 14:17

Re: What pet hates do you have in life?

grimoopnorth wrote: 21st Jun 2024 at 12:13pm The print on the back of products.
tiny grey writing on a slightly darker grey background! [Mad.png]
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Jun 2024 21 14:37

Re: What pet hates do you have in life?

How about that staff member that says " I mentioned to the head, and they said speak to you". when you know that no such conversation had ever taken place.
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Jun 2024 21 15:05

Re: What pet hates do you have in life?

Sorry CT but I was just trying to help. [Scared.png]

People asking me "Are you from Canada (or Australia, New Zealand or any other country besides U.S.A, yes I've had those asked)" when they hear me talk.
Also, any food product that puts a stars and stripes on the label calling it "American" when it is the farthest thing from it.
And the people that say "sorry" for anything they do.
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