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Dec 2022 16 08:15

Re: Conundrum

Can someone clarify if the site opened, no where does it say anyone went to the UNI, just the site team did not grit or make a safe passage for all to enter the premises.

Did they get an email or actually all rock up and get sent home?
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Dec 2022 16 10:32

Re: Conundrum

Surely this is all about the correct equipment.
I understand that the site team will have to accept some level of risk in order to make the site safe, but as with any Risk you can mitigate the level of risk with the correct safety equipment.

If you can walk up a ski slope or climb an ice wall then there must be equipment available to walk a path to grit it?

Spiked shoes, helmet even knee, back and elbow pads and if you grit in front of you as you go you have the added grip of the grit under your feet.. --- (The seasonal word only permitted in December) ---_huh]

I feel there is something more as to why the site team refused to do this.
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Dec 2022 16 11:36

Re: Conundrum

Vera wrote: 16th Dec 2022 at 10:32am .... I feel there is something more as to why the site team refused to do this.
Exactly this. We don't know the full story. Was there 3 feet of snow and no equipment provided to move it?, was it thick ice and still snowing heavily at the time, were site team dealing with a burst pipe and clean up elsewhere? etc. As ever, the full story will bear little relation to the headline I'm sure. Oh and how people have got to the idea the site was open to students I don't know, there's no suggestion that was the case?
Can we get a follow up please seedfut06?
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Dec 2022 16 15:03

Re: Conundrum

seedfut06 wrote: 15th Dec 2022 at 12:28pm Hi all. Well, my daughter, who is at a University agricultural college, today couldn't make exams (she is unsteady as she damaged a knee) as the site management decided it was too cold/icy for the gritting team to go out and would be at risk of slipping.....
I will let everyone ponder this.
Have a good one.
I assumed the site was open because of the original post.

I read it one way initially. His daughter had injured herself when the campus was open and ungritted so couldn't make the exams today.

I concede that you could have read it that she had hurt her knee in an unrelated incident and couldn't make the exams today because of it. This would require the site to be open.

A third option that I have discounted is that the site is unopen beauce of it not being gritted. WHy would the poster mention that his daughter couldn't make exams and mention her unsteadiness.

If I have missed something obvious I am prepared to be shot down but the two posters who have indicated surprise that myself and other posters have made this assumption should just reread and digest the original post.
Dec 2022 16 15:17

Re: Conundrum

Dexter wrote: 16th Dec 2022 at 3:03pm
but the two posters
I hope I'm not one, I came on to comment about the H&S comparisons of yesteryear from the posters that think we all have gone soft because we adapted and learnt mass dying was not really a good idea.

But you then posted the true sensible ( always one on these interweb threads ) post about what should or not be done if yes it had opened etc.

The OP never stated that and unless he gets here quick we a'int going to find out soon. The suspense is killing me.
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Dec 2022 16 15:28

Re: Conundrum

Dexter wrote: 16th Dec 2022 at 3:03pm I assumed the site was open because of the original post.

I read it one way initially. His daughter had injured herself when the campus was open and ungritted so couldn't make the exams today.

I concede that you could have read it that she had hurt her knee in an unrelated incident and couldn't make the exams today because of it. This would require the site to be open.

A third option that I have discounted is that the site is unopen beauce of it not being gritted. WHy would the poster mention that his daughter couldn't make exams and mention her unsteadiness.

If I have missed something obvious I am prepared to be shot down but the two posters who have indicated surprise that myself and other posters have made this assumption should just reread and digest the original post.
Thats how I read it to be Dexter
The site team hadn't gritted because of the risk to them selves and the daughter hadn't been able to go to the exam because of being unsteady due to a dicky knee.
This kind of makes the assumption that the site was open just not been cleared and gritted.
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Dec 2022 17 16:02

Re: Conundrum

Well, I would have thought an agricultural college would be in a good position to deal with bad weather,
and it is a poor example for any would be farmers as they have to attend to livestock when the weather is good or bad, so they should have been prepared.

I went in at silly a clock to clear the snow as best I could and we opened along with other schools where it wasn't cleared.
Then with my colleague the afternoon and the next day we cleared and gritted where it had frozen over night.
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