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Dec 2022 21 07:16

Re: Freezing

I couldn't get out heating to listen to me, it wouldn't switch off with a timer, I had to manually do it. Thinking of the bills I panicked and called someone, turned out the system has a Frost Protect and that was overriding anything I wanted to do. Just shows, I'm always learning in this job. I did say in my interview a couple years back that heating and boilers really aren't something I've dealt with a lot [--- (The seasonal word only permitted in December) ---_laugh]
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Dec 2022 21 07:49

Re: Freezing

Not at my school fortunately, but my old school had issues last Thursday, they had a leak which shorted out the heating system in the main building. The fire brigade had to attend as there was acrid smoke filling the corridors, there was quite a bit water damage to. On Friday 3 year groups had to stay at home, no heating plus the water damage, unfortunately for my son and daughter their year groups were in for the last day.
"Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain".
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