Cut backs, redundancies and more

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Nov 2022 10 18:37

Re: Cut backs, redundancies and more

The whole school funding system is a mess. Academies cannot set deficit budgets. LA schools can have any underspends clawed back, by the LA, if it is not specifically earmarked. It means that there is always going to be the spectre of redundancies hovering over us as schools try and work out how to deal with the gap between fairly static funding levels with increased costs within 12 months. This year, given the abnormally high inflation currently experienced, this is very acute.

TA's are easier targets for redundancy as they share the same job descriptions. Often, in secondaries, teachers may be reduced in the annual ebb and flow of staff without it being obvious. I think LA primary school caretakers are the safest from redundancy (with the single,unique role in the school and the small differential between caretaker pay and the minimum wage). In academy trusts and secondaries there is more scope for redundancies.

If you are a LA primary school caretaker, been in post for 2yrs+, over 55 and a member of the LGPS, you are even safer as there are additional costs to the employer in the event of redundancy (that can be huge depending on how far from retirement the individual is). In the past that these have been picked up by the LA but often these are now footed by the school.
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